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Recent news, talks, press, awards and events
- 2024:
- Apr.: Awarded honourable mention at CHI 2024 for our work on spoken technologies for unwritten languages
- Feb: Featured in AI Fringe perspectives report AI for everyone
- Jan: Launched the UnMute Toolkit in Guwahati, India
- 2023:
- Dec.:
- Invited talk as part of RAI UK's Responsible AI Webinar Series
- Workshop with Université Grenoble Alpes: How do new technologies in citizens' hands challenge risk and vulnerability management?
- Awarded RAI UK Impact Accelerator grant Amplify: Empowering Underserved Voices in Spoken Language Interaction (PI)
- Nov.: Appointed as REF Impact Lead for Computer Science at Swansea
- Oct.: Selected as a Conference Ambassador for Wales
- Sept.: Nominated for a Research Culture Award for Collaboration for previous work with MASI
- July:
- MRes student Andew Pulsipher received the Highly Commended Award in the School of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Invited talk on Streamlining assessment and feedback management using the Canvas API at SALT 2023 – see slides (PDF)
- Invited talk at City, University of London
- June: Co-chair (with Anke Dittmar) of EICS Late-Breaking Results
- Apr.:
- Elected as a member of Swansea University's Senate
- Developed CHI Bingo for SIGCHI to help connect people at CHI 2023
- Full paper and Case Study accepted for publication at CHI 2023
- Mar.: Invited talk at University of Bristol
- Jan: Invited talk and interview at Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS 2023), Stellenbosch, South Africa.
- Dec.:
- 2022:
- Dec.: PhD student Pranjal Jain won a runner-up prize at the ACM SIGCHI Symposium for HCI and Friends, Mumbai
- Oct.: MSc student Ryan Lucas won best overall Swansea Computer Science MSc project award
- July: Recipient of a Swansea University student nominated Excellence in Learning and Teaching award
- May:
- MRes student Andrew Pulsipher won first place at the Swansea University Three Minute Thesis competition
- REF 2021 ranked 100% of our impact work as world-leading and internationally excellent
- Apr.: Awarded honourable mention at CHI 2022 for our work on touchless public space interactions
- Mar.: Our Telescopr VR/AR exhibits were deployed as part of Swansea's new Copr Bay developments
- Jan.: Appointed as a MASI Research Entrepreneur to drive transdisciplinary research across Swansea University
Teaching and supervision
- Current:
- Director of the MSc year of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Enhancing Human Interactions and Collaborations with Data and Intelligence Driven Systems and linked 1-year MSc Human-Centred Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
- Human-Centred Perspectives and Methods (CSCM69)
- Human-Centred Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Project (CSPM40)
- Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction (CS-200)
- Previous:
- 2013–2020: Gregynog undergraduate project colloquium (part of CSP301 and CSP354)
- 2014–2019: Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction (CS-200)
- 2014–2016: Mobile Interaction Design (CS-349/CS-M29)
- Postgraduate research students, current, previous and examined:
Grants and funding
- Ongoing:
- EPSRC grant “UnMute: Opening Spoken Language Interaction to the Currently Unheard” (2020–2024, Swansea PI)
- RAI UK grant “Amplify: Empowering Underserved Voices in Spoken Language Interaction” (2023–2025, PI)
- EPSRC/Microsoft iCASE PhD studentship “Disability-First Dataset Creation in Low-Resource Communities” (2021–2025, Co-Supervisor)
- MASI International Visiting Fellowship to support a visit by David Frohlich (Co-applicant)
- MASI funding to co-develop a fitness app (Co-applicant)
- 2023:
- EPSRC grant “Rethinking Public Technology in a COVID-19 Era” (2021–2023, Co-PI)
- 2022:
- MASI Summer of Hope funding to run events in Swansea and Lancaster
- Swansea University GCRF grant Human Centred AI and Big Data for A Better Life (Co-PI)
- EPSRC grant “PV-Interfaces: Self-Powered Interfaces and Interactions via Photovoltaic Surfaces” (2018–2022, Co-Investigator)
- HCI and Security Capital Equipment grant to enhance student project provision
- 2021:
- Not-Equal Network+ grant for work on Smart Small Farms (Co-Investigator)
- CHERISH-DE Escalator grant to create interactive VR installations in public places (Co-applicant)
- 2020:
- EPSRC grant “Breaking the Glass: Multimodal, Malleable Interactive Mobile surfaces for Hands-In Interactions” (2016–2020, Collaborator)
- CHERISH-DE secondment for a collaboration with Admiral Group
- CHERISH-DE secondment for further work around advanced sensors (Co-applicant)
- 2019:
- Research Impact Fund grant to create public space speech installations (Co-applicant)
- CHERISH-DE Escalator grant to support public space speech installations (Co-applicant)
- International Visitor Scheme grant to support a collaboration with Jessica Cauchard around human-robot interaction
- Research Impact Fund grant to support a secondment around advanced sensors (Co-applicant)
- CHERISH-DE secondment around advanced sensors (Co-applicant)
- 2018:
- EPSRC Capital Award in Support of Early Career Researchers (Co-Investigator)
- CHERISH-DE Escalator grant to support an indigenous digital histories platform (Co-applicant)
- REF Impact grant to support public space speech installation research (Co-applicant)
- 2017:
- CHERISH-DE Escalator grant to create an interactive VR installation in the Hafod-Morfa Copperworks (Co-applicant)
- Impact Acceleration Award to fund multi-device mobile work (Co-applicant)
- Global Challenges Research Fund Award: Empowering Base of Pyramid Users through the Physical Web (Co-applicant)
- 2016:
- CHERISH-DE International Mobility grant to support continued work with IIT-Bombay, Mumbai (Co-applicant)
- Research Enabling Fund grant for continued partnership with Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (Co-applicant)
- Google IoT Technology Research Award for Physical Web research (Co-applicant).
- 2015:
- EPSRC grant “Re-shaping the Expected Future: Novel Interaction Techniques for Base of the Pyramid Users and Challenges to the Orthodoxy for the Rest of the World” (2015–2019, Researcher Co-Investigator)
- Strategic Impact Partnership with Rowanvale Books (Co-applicant)
- 2014:
- Bridging the Gaps grant for prospective partnership with Grenoble universities (Co-applicant)
- US9041562B2 & US9047059B2: Controlling a Voice Site Using Non Standard Haptic Commands. S. Robinson, A. Jain, N. Rajput
Community, committees, reviewing, service
- Co-organiser of:
- Challenges and Best Practices: Co-Design Approaches in Computing and Beyond workshop at IndiaHCI 2024
- Where Art Meets Technology workshop at CHI 2020 (DOI; PDF)
- A ‘Live’ Document for Emergent User Research workshop at IndiaHCI 2019 (PDF)
- NatureCHI workshop series. The workshop has been held at MobileHCI 2017 (DOI; PDF) and CHI 2016 (DOI; PDF). See also the IJMHCI review article (DOI; PDF)
- Mobile Collocated Interactions with Wearables workshop at MobileHCI 2015 (DOI; PDF)
- Mobile Collocated Interactions workshop at CHI 2015 (DOI; PDF)
- Co-instructor for:
- Mobile UX – The Next Ten Years? at CHI 2018 (DOI; PDF)
- Itinerative Design: A Hands-On Course at IndiaHCI 2016
- Mobile UX: Breaking the Glass to Richer User Experiences course at CHI 2016 (DOI; PDF)
- Mobile UX: Breaking the Glass to Richer User Experiences tutorial at MobileHCI 2015 (DOI; PDF)
- Interaction Design for Reading Devices and Apps course at CHI 2015 (DOI; PDF)
- Chair / Co-chair of:
- Steering Committee member of the MobileHCI Conference Series
- Co-Editor-in-Chief (with Julie R. Williamson) of mUX: The Journal of Mobile User Experience (2015–2017)
- Program Committee member for:
- IndiaHCI 2022
- CHI 2023, 2021 and 2018
- CUI 2020
- MobileHCI 2017
- AfriCHI 2016
- Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM) 2015–2017
- DE Sustainable Society Network+ Symposium and Hackathon in Social Media and Interaction
- MobileHCI 2014 Doctoral Consortium (panel member)
- NordiCHI 2014 workshop Personal or Social? Designing Mobile Interactions for Co-located Interaction
- ECSCW 2013 workshop Designing Mobile Face-to-Face Group Interactions
- ECIR 2011 workshop Information Management and Retrieval in Mobile Adhoc Societies
- Reviewing for CHI, TOCHI CSCW, UIST, Ubicomp, MobileHCI, INTERACT, DIS, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, NordiCHI, IUI, MUM, APCHI, SICDC, IndiaHCI, CUI, Computers in Human Behavior and more
- Internal:
- Member of Swansea University Computer Science Department's Ethics and Risk Assessment Committee
- Member of the Computational Foundry Athena SWAN team
- CHERISH-DE Escalator fund and Crucible panel member
- Innovation and R&D theme co-lead for Swansea University's Digital Strategy
- Change Champion as part of the Science Together working group for the College of Science's 2020 vision
- Co-organiser of the Gregynog undergraduate colloquium and College of Science maker competition
- Co-founder of the Computational Foundry's Knowledge Exchange Forum
- Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College
Theses and related items
S. Robinson, Eyes-Off Physically Grounded Mobile Interaction.
PhD Thesis, Swansea University, October 2012.
- Download (PDF) |
- DOI,
- BibTeX,
- Scholar |
- Slides (PDF),
- S. Robinson, Heads-up Engagement with the Real World: Multimodal Techniques for Bridging the Physical-Digital Divide. In CHI 2010 Doctoral Consortium (pages 2895–2898), Atlanta, April 2010.
Selected design and development work
Android apps, all of which are open source (see all apps):
- Com-Phone Story Maker – Digital storytelling creation and sharing with a simple but powerful interface
- Better Together – Flexible separation and sharing of a system's interface over multiple devices
- BookMark – Better navigation around Swansea University Library (Park Campus)
- APPropriate – Easily pick-up-and-use any other Android device with your own data
- There's Not an App for That – To (ironically) accompany our book
Other open source projects:
- Email OAuth 2.0 proxy – add OAuth 2.0 authentication transparently to IMAP/POP/SMTP clients that don't support it
- Canvas Helpers – various Python and browser scripts to simplify and speed up common Canvas tasks
- Swansea University Intranet Utilities – a collection of Python and browser scripts to improve the Swansea University intranet(s) and related systems (email for access)
- e:Vision Utilities – a browser userscript to improve e:Vision usability
- Outlook Calendar Signature Add-in – easily add an email signature to calendar invitations sent from Outlook
- Tooey – turn any Python console script into an interactive text-based user interface
- ATP link cleaner – a browser extension to filter O365 ATP Safe Links and prompt before navigating to them
- WWA shortcuts – a browser extension to help add your own custom keyboard shortcuts to Word Web App
- Back button disabler – a simple browser extension to disable the back button on selected websites
Various websites and toolkits, such as: